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 When I think of skirts, I think, the shorter the better.

The mini skirt is good for casual, yet playful days, and those nights on the town when you want to show off those legs to die for. While showing some leg is lots of fun, there comes a time when you have to cover it up, or should I say, glam it up. Not like a nun from a convent, but in a sheek, yet sophisticated way. Is this even possible? Sure!!!

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Try the pencil skirt. Funny name huh? The pencil skirt has been a named for its shape, which is long and slim like a pencil. These skirts are mostly worn in the office as a separate, or as part of a suit. Inspired by the fashion of the 2nd World War, pencil skirts were first introduced by French designer Christian Dior, in the late 1940s.

Unlike mini skirts, pencil skirts expose less skin, using a slit instead. These slits are located either in the back or on the side. Pencil skirts are best accompanied with high heels and sheer hosiery, but if you wanted a more youthful vibe, loafers work well also. This is reminiscent of the 1960s prep style.

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Published by Ashly Smith

Ashly is a freelance writer and poet from Baltimore, MD.

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