The book and personal memoir, Black and Abroad not only discusses a highly successful African-American women struggling with inner issue but it also tells the story of her life from every aspect.
Category Archives: New Orleans
Fun as Hell: Matuto’s Seductive Philosophical Trip through Brazilian Beats and Southern Roots on The Devil and The Diamond
Press Release: It’s Carnival in Recife. It’s Mardi Gras in New Orleans. And watch out: That just may be the Devil spinning through the drunken, dancing crowd, trying to get friendly with the saint in disguise, with the diamond in the rough. The rolling drums and quicksilver accordion licks, the earthy vibe and thoughtful reflections mingle on Matuto’s latest refinement of their Appalachia-gone-Afro-Brazilian sound, The Devil and The Diamond (Motema Music; release: May 14, 2013).
Ciel Rouge resurfaces “The Fashion Statement” to promote his up-coming LP
Ciel Rouge’s hard work and unfaltering dedication to music drive him to create original and engaging music that shakes the listener and transports him or her into a world of bustling creativity. Even though there is a street-wise, dark edge to his music, a deeper listen reveals a sensitive and brooding artist with a unique perception of the world and the people who dwell within it.
Viva New Orleans: The Bonafide Guide to the Big Easy
Viva New Orleans: The Bonafide Guide to the Big Easy