Sizzling Summer 2013 Horoscope

The summer heats your tamales as a bunch of planets oppose volcanic Pluto. Don’t be surprised if what you thought is true and solid is not. Never fear, fluidity is what keeps us on our toes and makes us work harder for success. Change is often good and in this case, needed.

LIFESTYLE > Interview with a Homeschooling Mom

LIFESTYLE > Interview with a Homeschooling Mom:
My thanks to Kim, who sat with me over a coffee and discussed her life: raising and teaching her children.

Q: What is it that you do?

A: I am a writer, and I homeschool my three children.

JOPPA: Silence Speaks | by Shereen Collington

JOPPA, COMIC STRIP | by Shereen Collingtons: Shereen Collington is a self-taught cartoonist and filmmaker in Phoenix AZ. Shereen created Joppa as she was inspired to while praying and meditating one morning. Joppa is inspired by Tabitha of Joppa in the Book of Acts. Tabitha was well known in her community and was an asset to her community. Shereen wanted her cartoon character to emulate this bible model. When Shereen discovered that Joppa means Beautiful, she adopted the name. Joppa is every woman. Joppa pokes fun at the ups and downs of everyday life. The comic is meant to encourage and uplift.