News Anchor Sam Rubin mistakes Samuel Jackson for Laurence Fishburne

It is perfectly fine when fans are confused about the appearances of celebrities and sometimes mistake them for being some other star, but is it unacceptable if such mistakes or ‘blunders’ are made by veteran television news anchors or hosts.

Black Pete, Zwarte Piet: The Documentary about the Dutch Blackface Tradition

Black Pete, Zwarte Piete, a documentary, is about the Dutch tradition of Zwarte Piet.

The George Zimmerman Trial: The Verdict REACHED

Right, wrong, or misunderstood – the compelling case of Trayvon Martin and George Zimmerman has been interpreted in many ways, thus far. Let’s hope that truth will be among these.

30 second cereal ad sheds light on interracial slice of life

Controversial Cheerios commercial

The most segregated place in America…

Relatively little has changed in United States religious race relations. As we consider the second inauguration of President Barack Obama on the Federal King Holiday, as we celebrate the Sesquicentennial of the Emancipation Proclamation and the 50th anniversary of the March on Washington, I am led to wonder, why are we still so far apart?